Friday, May 24, 2013

The Queer Scouts of America?

    Yesterday the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voted to allow openly homosexual youth to join the organization. The BSA will continue to ban homosexual adults from being scout leaders, and it is understood that the boys and teens themselves will be discouraged from engaging in sexual activity of any kind. Nevertheless, it is a monumental cultural change from an iconic American institution.
    The question is, is the Boy Scouts of America being true to its purpose? What is its purpose in the first place?
    The organization's website describes the Boy Scouts as a "values-based youth development" organization. It says that "the BSA provides a program for young people that builds character, trains them in responsibilities of participating in citizenship, and develops personal fitness." It says that "the mission of Boy Scouts of America is to prepare young people to make moral and ethical choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and the Scout Law."
    The Scout Oath says: "On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law, to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight." The Scout Law, in turn, says: "A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent."
    The stated purpose of the organization, then, is to build character. But what is "character"? The dictionary defines it, in this context, as "moral excellence and firmness." It suggests a firm adherence to principle. It implies a set of ethical norms to which we must conform. Hence the emphases on duty, trustworthiness, loyalty, and reverence. In short, the Boy Scouts of America is built on an altruistic moral philosophy that encourages self-discipline and devotion to duty.
    But how can we build character is we cannot define the norms and values? And if homosexuality is normal and morally permissible, then what are the moral norms regarding sex and marriage? Is anything between consenting adults permissible? What is impermissible? In that context how can we inculcate the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood?
    By being "inclusive" and "tolerant," aren't we really making a statement about morality itself? That nearly all things are permissible, that there is no universally binding "norm," that each person is left to make his / her own personal lifestyle choices? And if that is the case, what is there to teach young people? You're OK and God bless you in whatever choices you make? What, then, happens to "character"?  This is the dilemma problem facing all educational and youth organizations in a modern, pluralistic society. What exactly are they expected to teach the youth?
    In the case of the Boy Scouts in particular we have a philosophy based on ideals and standards that stand in direct contrast to the self-indulgent, narcissistic philosophy of contemporary society. The early 20th Century world of scouting has collided with the post-modern world of today. From a modern, secular standpoint it could be argued that the Boy Scouts of America is an anachronism, a relic from the Victorian past. From a religious standpoint it could be argued that the Scouts are in a moral freefall, in the process of collapsing into the rubble of what used to be Western Civilization. Their position is similar to that of the mainstream liberal Protestant denominations. They abandoned their core beliefs and left themselves with little to say beyond a few vague platitudes. Once an organization reaches that point it is irrelevant – it no longer has anything worthwhile to offer.
    The Boy Scouts of America served a useful purpose in its time, but its time has passed. It is time to abandon the sinking ship.


  1. Lets see, a boy who is openly gay becomes an Eagle Scout and decides he wants to come back as a leader....will his scoutmaster really turn him down? Once the feathers are out of the pillow, you just can't put them back.

    1. If he's at all sane he will. Would you put a straight adult male in charge of a group of attractively looking teenaged girls on a camping trip? Does it make any more sense to put a gay adult male in charge of a group of teenaged boys on a camping trip? One would think that we would have learned something from the recent experience of the Catholic Church and the U.S. Military -- you don't leave authority figures alone with people to whom they are sexually attracted.

  2. The Queer Scouts of America.

    Behold the behaviour of Christians on the Internet. Take note.

    And if homosexuality is normal and morally permissible, then what are the moral norms regarding sex and marriage?

    What has this to do with the Boy Scouts? If you want to talk about gay marriage then you have to talk about gay marriage. If you want to talk about the Boy Scouts have to actually talk about the Boy Scouts.

    Is anything between consenting adults permissible?

    Boy Scouts? Hello?

    What is impermissible? In that context how can we inculcate the responsibilities of marriage and parenthood?

    Boy Scouts?

    By being "inclusive" and "tolerant," aren't we really making a statement about morality itself?

    Boy Scou....Oh never mind.
    I will leave you to your slippery slope.

  3. The Boy Scouts are about teaching values. Homosexuality is about sex. See the connection?

  4. You haven't make one, Bob.
    Why should the Boy Scouts not allow openly homosexual youth to join the organization?
    That's the issue.
    You don't even talk about it. You just go wandering off down some blind alley somewhere.

  5. If they allow homosexual youth join the organization, what does that imply about the way the organization views the morality of homosexuality? Remember, the Boy Scouts is supposed to be a values-based organization. What is the lesson they are teaching the youth about sexuality?

  6. In this whole debate with respect to the Boy Scouts of America we have missed the point that "gay" young boys have always been members of the Boy Scouts. I was a Boy Scout and I can attest to that fact, at least in Troop 128 in Nevada, Iowa. What the real concern here should be is that the BSA are now saying that it is ok to be "gay", when they should be saying that such behavior is not consistent with being "morally straight". Do some young men face strong temptation in this area? They most surely do, just as others face strong temptation with things like pornography. Are the BSA going to vote next year to allow professed thieves to be members? Makes as about as much sense. What has happened here is the BSA have bowed to the lie that homosexuality is an inborn trait just like the color of ones eyes, and that it should now be accepted as normal behavior. Well, my hazel colored eyes are morally neutral, but my behavior is not. Whether we are born with a propensity to a particular sin or not, we need to recognize the terrible emotional, spiritual, and physical consequences of homosexual behavior. It seems the BSA sees no bad consequences from young men declaring themselves to being "gay". Another sad day for our decaying American culture.

  7. In this whole debate with respect to the Boy Scouts of America we have missed the point that "gay" young boys have always been members of the Boy Scouts.

    "Gay"? How is that different from just gay?

    What the real concern here should be is that the BSA are now saying that it is ok to be "gay"...

    Or, in the real world, maybe it's about the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) voting to allow openly homosexual youth to join the organization? Since that's what they voted on.

    Do some young men face strong temptation in this area? They most surely do, just as others face strong temptation with things like pornography.

    So..being gay is like pornography?

    (...awkward silence...)


    Are the BSA going to vote next year to allow professed thieves to be members? Makes as about as much sense.

    So being gay is like being a thief.

    (..awkward silence...)

    Double ew.

    Let me guess, you're a Christian, right? Is that where your bigotry stems from?

    Bob, that whole religion-internet thing we talked about before?
    Yeah, this is a fresh, steaming example.

    It seems the BSA sees no bad consequences from young men declaring themselves to being "gay".

    Well, to be fair, neither do you if your own words are to go by.
    What exactly is the problem with allowing gay people to be in the BSA? How could you justify discrimination against them?

    1. Cedric, you obviously missed every point I was attempting to make. "Gay" is in quotation marks because it is a behavior, not a third sex. The problem is not allowing "gays" into the Boy Scouts (as I said, they've always been there), it's openly doing so in such a way that it is now an approved behavior. If it is not a self destructive behavior, why do people who behave so have much shorter life spans? If you really care about helping young men, you will guide them to see the destructiveness of their behavior. I don't care to discriminate against any young man, but I will always lovingly suggest they consider the consequences of their behavior. Homosexuality is like being a thief in that neither behavior is profitable to pursue. God has given us standards (His law) by which to live. These standards are for our good, not to make us unhappy. For anyone to suggest that homosexual behavior is somehow good for those who do it has failed to see its destructiveness.

  8. If they allow homosexual youth join the organization, what does that imply about the way the organization views the morality of homosexuality?

    You can't discriminate against gay people any more, Bob.
    It's not tolerable any more.
    When you do it, it makes you look ugly.
    It's over.
    Black people are allowed to eat at any restaurant they choose. Gay people can't be beaten or stoned any more. Society regards gay people as being human. We see them as our relatives and friends and neighbours. Society has noticed that they don't have horns growing out of their foreheads. You can't stoke fear and hatred against them any more. It doesn't work.

    If they allow homosexual youth to go to school, what does that imply about the way the school views the morality of homosexuality?
    If they allow homosexual youth to eat lunch at Woolworths, what does that imply about the way the organization views the morality of homosexuality?
    If they allow homosexual youth on TV and in the media, what does that imply about the way the media views the morality of homosexuality?
    If society treats homosexuals like anybody else, what does that imply about the way society views the morality of homosexuality?

  9. Mark is an old college friend of mine, and I agree with him completely on this issue.
    There is a fundamental difference between not tolerating homosexuality and, let's say, racial discrimination. Skin color is an inherited, biological trait and has absolutely nothing at all to do with one's moral character. There are black people who are perfectly fine human beings who make valuable contributions to society.
    Homosexuality, however, is a matter of behavior. And so the question becomes what kinds of behavior is society willing to tolerate? And one of the serious problems with the gay rights movement is that in rejected Judaeo-Christian morality, they have nothing to offer in its place in the way of a coherent system of values. Individuals are pretty much left to do as they please, no matter how self-centered or irresponsible. Thus endorsing the gay lifestyle would pretty much be fatal to the BSA's stated mission. If they are not going to build character in America's youth, then they should go out of business -- they have outlived their usefulness.

  10. Why should the Boy Scouts not allow openly homosexual youth to join the organization?
    That's the issue.
    You don't even talk about it.
    Look at what you just wrote. lifestyle etc.

    Yet we are none the wiser why should the Boy Scouts not allow openly homosexual youth to join the organization.
    You avoid it entirely.

    Which is probably the reason why the BSA changed it's mind on the issue.

  11. I did see the video and Exodus' website, and am saddened by the whole affair.. I had heard of the organization but was not too familiar with how they went about their ministry.
    The apology appears to be primarily the result of a change in philosophy about how the church relates to society, along with a certain amount of pressure from the outside. And it all ties in with some of my recent blog posts about what it means to be a Christian. My biggest criticism of the organization and others connected with the "Missional Movement" is that we are not free to reinvent Christianity at will, as they seem to think. We must do what orthodox theologians have always done -- study Scripture carefully and conform to its standards. Jesus summarized His own message this way: "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand." I am sure that the Rich Young ruler who couldn't give up his wealth in order to become a disciple of Jesus was "hurt" by Jesus "cruel" and exclusive comments. But in the end we help no one if we do not proclaim the truth as we understand it from Scripture.
